4th Nordic Osteopathic Congress
in Copenhagen, Denmark
Thank you all for participating in the NOC2022!
Thank you all for
participating in
the NOC2022!
Thank you all for your contribution to a great 4th Nordic Osteopathic Congress in Copenhagen!
We had participants from all over Europe, Brazil and Canada – in total from 24 different countries, and some of the leading speakers from within our profession: Dr. Dawn Carnes (UK), Dr. Steven Vogel (UK), Dr. Gerard Alvarez (Spain), Proff. Christian Fossum (Norway), Dr. Mandy Banton (UK), and the President of the Danish Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine (DSMM) Dr. Karen Caroline Goss (DK).
In addition to the Invited Speakers, we invited Mrs. Ana Paula Ferreira PhD, (Brazil) and Mr. Charles Hunt (UK) as our special guests and expert panellists, to join all five Nordic Leaders, Laura Lee Kamppila, Tomas Collin, Emmelie Hansen, Haraldur Magnússon and me. We also invited the President of the Danish Association of Physiotherapists (Danske Fysioterapeuter), Jeanette Præstegaard, and her colleague, Gurli Petersen, who joined us in the first sessions Saturday, which I’m very grateful for.
See you all next year in Reykjavík, Iceland, where the 5th Nordic Osteopathic Congress will be held, 9 & 10 September!
Hanna Tómasdóttir
President Danske Osteopater
President European Federation &
Forum for Osteopathy (EFFO)
The venue »
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Arni Magnussons Gade 2
1577 København V
Organizing Committee
Anni Bach Zangenberg
Camilla Maints Hansen
Christina Vedsted Nørrelund
David Kim Rasmussen
Hanna Tómasdóttir
Trine Albæk
Didde Thorsted
Eivind Møller
Annliv Toft