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4th Nordic Osteopathic Congress
in Copenhagen, Denmark

Welcome to NOC 2022!

Welcome to
NOC 2022!

4th Nordic Osteopathic Congress (NOC) is hosted by Danske Osteopater and held in association with the European Federation & Forum for Osteopathy (EFFO), September 24-25 

The NOC is an annual event, hosted in rotation by the Nordic national osteopathic associations. The first NOC took place in Oslo, Norway, in 2018, followed by Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2019, and the last NOC was live streamed (due to the pandemic) from Helsinki, Finland, in 2021.

We have invited a range of illustrious keynote speakers, who will all speak on the theme of: “The future of Manual Therapy – from an Osteopathic Perspective”. Beside the keynote sessions, there will be a Gala Dinner on Saturday evening and a Round Table Discussion, Sunday morning.

The Congress will be held at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, Arni Magnussons Gade 2, 1577 København V.

All our speakers are also invited and encouraged to submit an article, based on the content for their lectures at the NOC, to the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (IJOM).

We are all looking very much forward to seeing you and welcoming you in wonderful Copenhagen!

Hanna Tómasdóttir
President Danske Osteopater
President European Federation &
Forum for Osteopathy (EFFO) 

The venue »

Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Arni Magnussons Gade 2
1577 København V

Wonderful Copenhagen » 

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Registration & Prices

(4th Nordic Osteopathic Congress is SOLD OUT)

Registration was open for:

  • Members of Danske Osteopater
  • Members of the respective Nordic osteopathic associations: Norsk Osteopatforbund (Norway), Osteópatafélag Íslands (Iceland), Suomen Osteopaattiliitto Ry (Finland) and Svenska Osteopatförbundet (Sweden)
  • Members whose national organizations are members of European Federation & Forum for Osteopathy (EFFO)
  • Members of Dansk Selskab for Manuel Medicin (DSMM)


We have gathered some useful information for you, about the venue, how to get there, and some interesting tips about our wonderful city, Copenhagen. It’s a pdf-file you can download and print.

[vc_btn title=‟USEFUL INFORMATION‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟lg‟ align=‟left‟ el_class=‟noc-knap‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1663006954733{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟]


Early Bird 2.950 DKK until 31.03.2022

Normal price 3.400 DKK from 01.04.2022

Gala Dinner Saturday evening 1.075 DKK (not included in the registration fee)

Tickets to the conference

Include snack, beverages and lunch, both days.

Tickets to the Gala Event

Include dinner, beverages and live music.

Invited Speakers

Mr. Christian Fossum

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css_animation=‟none‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128194161{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Dr. Dawn Carnes
United Kingdom

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128232556{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Mr. Steven Vogel
United Kingdom

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1659982479188{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Dr. Gerard Alvarez

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128334090{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Dr. Karen Caroline Goss

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128369657{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Dr. Mandy Banton
United Kingdom

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643278948284{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Round Table Discussion

Mr. Steven Vogel
United Kingdom

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128625027{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Mr. Christian Fossum

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128646938{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Mr. Charles Hunt
United Kingdom

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128673166{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Dr. Dawn Carnes
United Kingdom

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128705327{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Ms. Hanna Tómasdóttir

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128731946{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Mr. Haraldur Magnússon

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128757214{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Ms. Laura Lee Kamppila

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128784123{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Mr. Tomas Collin

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128809821{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Mrs. Ana Paula A. Ferreira

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1660548730208{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Ms. Emmelie Hansen

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1663659609822{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Invited Guests

Mr. Charles Hunt
United Kingdom

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1643128839876{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Mrs. Ana Paula A. Ferreira

[vc_btn title=‟Bio & Abstract (PDF)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟center‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1660548742783{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]


Overview of Invited Speakers and Round Table Discussion.

[vc_btn title=‟Download (pdf)‟ style=‟custom‟ custom_background=‟#183a68″ custom_text=‟#ffffff‟ size=‟sm‟ align=‟left‟ css=‟.vc_custom_1663007060130{margin-top: 30px !important;}‟ link=‟|target:_blank‟]

Organizing Committee
Anni Bach Zangenberg
Camilla Maints Hansen
Christina Vedsted Nørrelund
David Kim Rasmussen
Hanna Tómasdóttir
Trine Albæk

Didde Thorsted
Eivind Møller

Annliv Toft

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