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I was born in 1992 near Turin, Italy and I currently live in Copenhagen. I graduated in Sport Sciences at the University of Turin (UNITo) in 2015, I got a Diploma in massage therapy in 2017 and I graduated as an osteopath at SIOTe.Ma. (Scuola Italiana di Osteopatia e Tecniche Manuali) in 2021, and obtained the same year a Bachelor degree in osteopathy at Kingston University in London.

I’ve started working as a freelance osteopath in Italy in two different clinics cooperating with other practitioners such as physiotherapists, kinesiologists, dentists, orthopaedics, anesthesiologist and other osteopaths, then I moved to Denmark and started working at Klinik KropsVærkstedet.

Since 2014 I’ve worked in different sport fields such as: artistic gymnastics coaching young male athletes, postural kinesiology with senior citizens and kickboxing, field in which I was responsible for prevention and performance improvement for adult athletes and planner of training structuring for childrens.

My approach is holistic: it consists in asking questions, then observing the global posture of the person and looking for areas that need to be treated by asking the patient to show me some simple movements and feeling with my hands where dysfunctions are. I then proceed to treat visceral, biomechanical and fascial area of ​​restriction (areas where the tissues let the body move less than it could, generally) in order to restore body’s full potential both in a physical and in a phycological way, as pain may involve both areas. My focus is always on the full body and not on just the are of the symptoms caring that each patient gets the best treatment related to their body and not their symptoms.

I can speak Italian, English, a little Spanish and I am studying Danish.


Lorenzo Tebaldini


Osteopat D.O. Bsc. (hons) Ost. M.D.O.


Klinik KropsVærkstedet


Region Hovedstaden


Frederiksberg Allé 27B


Frederiksberg C



Telefon Arbejde

+454261 0110




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